
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Sketch #249 and a Goodbye


Hello Crafters!
It is time for new Sketch and this will be our last one.
A big Thanks to you all who playing with us and present your lovely creations.

Our DECEMBER Sketch is:

Beautiful Card from our Guest Designer

And here is some amazing work form our Design Team:


Play the last time with us and show us your beautiful creations!
Thanks and Goodbye!

Sketchy Girls

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I am going to try and join in on this final sketch. I was a regular for a good while but this year has been such a mess that I haven't managed to join in as much.
    Thank you for all the wonderful sketches and DT inspiration. Best wishes to all the "Sketchy Girls" in your future endeavours.

  2. Thank you so much that I could be a part of this challenge and DT. We see you in the blogland!

  3. Ooo, žal mi je za vaš odhod! Sama sicer malo ustvarjam po skici, a sem si večkrat ogledala vaše izdelke. Hvala punce za vse ideje ! Za zadnji Izziv pa se potrudim in ustvarim eno za spomin na vaš Blog. Želim vsem veliko sreče in naj zanimive nove poti vas popeljejo v prihajajoče leto. Objem, Veana R.

  4. Thank you for the hard work from all involved to bring us these challenges.

    Wishing all the team a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, Happy Holidays if you don't and a Happy New Year to one and all.

    Love, Best Wishes and Socially Distanced (((Hugs)))


  5. Happy new year to all of you. Goodbye members of Feeling Sketchy and many thanks! Hugs Sylvia Hoekman.


Thanks for leaving us some love! We enjoy reading your comments x